He is one of my favorite ebru artist born in Uskudar, Istanbul in 1920. When he completed his primary education he started helping his dad Abdulbaki efendi at his herbal shop in uskudar. He carried on his further education at the Department of Turkish Decorative Arts of the State Academy of Fine Arts in 1938.
At the Academy, he learnt traditional bookbinding and ebru from Necmeddin Okyay and benefitted from other masters and distinguished with his talents in a very short time. He never wanted to change ebru into modern art because he believed ebru should stay as a traditional way. Some of his marblings are shown in prayer beads caligraphies He is well known with his works. He was also interested in taking pictures of caligraphy. He is also a poet and one of the poem he wrote is about ebru called Ebruname which i will post very soon...
Mustafa Duzgunman who died on the 12th of September 1990 has been buried in Karacaahmet Cemetery in Uskudar, Istanbul.